We are all divers
In the sea
Looking for something
That was told by the Master
Right before diving in
When its time..
When the oxygen in the tank is empty
Eventually we'll come back to the surface
To meet Our Master
To report what we have done
and found within the sea
It's indeed to find a PEARL.
a pearl of HIS pleasure
Hidden, tough to find
different from the other fake ones..
Now many of the divers,
Get distracted
Get fooled by many fish and creatures inside
that keep convincing
that pearl never exists
Trying hard to shift it with a chest of treasure
And most of them believed
Got happy with the treasure offered.
They forgot that they didn't live in the sea.
They forgot that they didn't belong to the sea
They got too comfortable
Living with all the temporary mesmerizing jewel
Until the time where the tank is empty
They deeply regret
Of the realization, that they're just divers.
But this doesnt happen to the true believer of divers
They dont get distracted
though they are tempted, really tempted
Yet insist to keep looking for
Passing through the old sinking ship
Under the coral reef
They know,
it is the true purpose why the master sent them to the sea..
To test
Who deserve the true happiness in the land,
or place they call it
Jangan Shalih Sendirian. SHARE:
Fri Oct 11 , 2019
I know that some people may disagree with me. But I just wanna tell my point of view from a different perspective. When people are […]